Notes Of Data Visualization

Table of Contents 1. 前言 2. Anaconda 2.1. 管理包 2.2. 管理环境 2.2.1. 0. 安装nb-conda用于notebook自动关联nb-conda环境 2.2.2. 1. 创建环境 2.2.3. 2. 进入环境 2.2.4. 3. 离开环境 2.2.5. 4. 共享环境 2.2.6. 5.列出环境 2.2.7. 6. 删除环境 2.2.8. 7. 查看环境 2.3. 例子 2.4. Some tips about jupyter notebook 3. Numpy 3.1. Ndarray多维数组 3.1.1. 创建多维数组 3.1.2. 数据类型转换... [Read More]

About Pca

Table of Contents 1. Nonsense (Hhhhh) 2. An Example "We" all Know 3. Description of Problem 4. Solutions [Read More]

Notes Of Wechat Applet

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Code Structure 3. Time-based Background Image 3.1. Configuration of index.wxml 3.2. Configuration of app.wxss 3.3. Configuration of index.js [Read More]


Table of Contents 1. feature selection 1.1. Filter Methode 1.1.1. Mutual Information and pointwise Mutual Information 1.1.2. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient 1.1.3. Relief-based algorithm 1.1.4. F-test and Multual Information 2. Feature Weighting 3. Some Other Related Concepts 3.1. Lack-of-Fit Sum of Squares [Read More]