This video is originally from TED-ED. It tells us about the book Slaughterhouse-Five and the author Kurt Vonnegut. The audio version of this book can be downloaded from This Website.
- abduct sb
- take (someone) away illegally by force or deception
- be out of chronological order
- He hops (move by jumping on one foot) back and forth.
- a middle-aged optometrist 验光师
- If Amber does make a full recovery she will spend the rest of her life in captivity for her own protection.
- Humiliation he endured/suffered in prison
- take refuge in someplace
- Allied forces
- be utterly demolished
- demolish/devastate/tear dowm/blast/blow up/destruct/pull down…
- zany and outrageously
- zany curves he generated
- the stories are at odds with with this reality
- set out to explore the ambiguity (uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language)
- ditched/get rid of/give up/abandon clear-cut fortunes
- crop up in many of this book
- Heavens are filled with rarefied, luminous spaghetti.
- the course/process of the event
- in the vastness/immensity of universe (endless, large, wide)
- empty heroics
- heroic adj. having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave.
- heroic n. behavior or talk that is bold or dramatic, especially excessively or unexpectedly so.
- from the vantage (a place or position affording a good view of something) point I could see into the front garden
- chrono-synclastic infundibulum
- They see devastating futures for their earthly counterparts.
- counterparts:
- a person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in another place
- one of two or more copies of a legal document: duplicate/transcript
- devastating: highly destructive or damaging. devastate, devastation
- adherent
- n. someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas/tenets/belief
- v. adherent to/stick (fast) to
- adherence n. adherence to
- hold a (bleak/strong/positive..) view of
- get pooped and demoralized
- demoralized
- cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope; dispirit
- corrupt the morals
- a few morsels of hope
- morsel: a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful.
- intersperse sth. with sth.
- He intersperses his grim assessments with more than a few morsels of hope.
- alter ego: a person's secondary or alternative personality.